Sunday, July 1, 2007

Making Room for Hope

Sopheap lives in a poor house. Sopheap is an older girl from our shelter who recently married. She relocated to her husband’s village. He is a poor rice farmer without much hope for improving his lot in life.

After assessing the situation, we decided to make an offer to this young couple. We would provide Sopheap with a sewing machine and supplies, so she could begin her own tailoring business in the village. She learned sewing at Rapha House in our job-training program. Furthermore, we would finance a food market that she and her husband could operate in the village, giving them a means of steady income rather than the seasonal work of rice farming. Additionally, we retired an interest-charging loan that they had taken out to start their lives together. We’re providing this couple with business management training. And we’re doing all this without charging them a penny of interest on our loan to them.

When you give to the Rapha House Freedom Foundation, you make a practical difference in the lives of people wanting to escape the desperation spawned in poverty. You're making room for hope. The Apostle Paul said that he was eager to remember the poor. That’s what real Christians do.